Tuesday, October 2, 2012


A few weeks ago Austin held a free museum day and I journeyed into the depths of traffic hell to visit a few.

I went to the Blanton

And the Bob Bullock

After this half day journey I came home inspired to work on the painting I've been working on since mothers day - the 5' x 4' one....

Last weekend I went camping on Mustang Island

And again I came back inspired to work on the massive canvas...

and this is where I am now. The colors are actually day glow and are more vibrant than the photo shows.

There are days that I want to call in sick at my real job and paint all day but unfortunately the paintings are not paying the bills.

Painting really is my escape from the BS of everyday life and one day I will live on the beach and paint until I can't hold the brush any longer.

For now it will provide me with short respites from the drudgery of everyday life.
I will hold onto these moments and treasure them with my every breath for now because they are all I have that keeps my sanity in check.

Until I post again....