Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thinking About Stretching It Myself

So, I have been busy lately with life's stresses and the holiday just passing us by that I have not had time to work anymore on my fairy and it kinda disappoints me.

I really need a sugar daddy to pay my bills so I can create more art!!!
I'm not that kind of chick, but I really would love to have more time to put into attempting to sell them.
{like working on my Etsy page and my website}

I have been checking out stretching canvases myself and think I may be able to save some cash there.
I am off for the next four days so I think I will check out the local art store and see what kind of damage that could do to me financially.

This past weekend I saw a HUGE canvas that I would love to paint on, but I'm not into buying a single canvas for $100 +tax ~ just so I could "hope" to sell it some day.
At the rate this thing is going, I might as well spend that money on lottery tickets,
in the hopes that I might win.

My daughter, Taylor, does amazing portriats and it has been at least 5 months since she picked up a brush. Alas not all hope is lost, she is starting on a commissioned painting as I type this.
She is great at whatever media she works with, acrylic, watercolor, charcoal, pencil...
hmm ~ I've never seen her use oils...
{possible Christmas present!}

This is one she did for me of Marilyn Monroe:::

[I want to be as good as she is]

If any of you are interested in commissioning her to paint a portriat for you you can email me at:::

Well, thats all for tonight.
Here's to hoping one day all those who say they want one of my paintings will actually buy one!
Good Night!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am all for any holiday that involves delicious food!

I am currently [@11:34PM] waiting for my second pumpkin cheesecake to come out of the oven.
I really should bake more often because I do not want to eat by the time its done.
Id be back in my size 7 jeans by summer!
[Im a 9 now]

This is my cheesecake before it went into the oven:

Well I am beat and ready to get this over with.
Again, Everyone have a very Happy Thanksgiving and be safe!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Etsy-ing It!

[A place to sell your homemade items online.]

This site is truly great and filled with some really great work.
I opened a store front on it and cannot seem to find the time to make it work to my advantage.
Hopefully over the long weekend I will be able to figure it out.
I am attempting to get a friend who knows an award winning photographer [who sells his work there] to get him to help me out.
I hope!

Well not a whole lot has been happening on the painting front here.
I am in the process of attempting to finish my first anime [sorta] faery painting:
[Honest criticism is appreciated.]

Faery Sketch:::

Faery almost done:::

I am really looking forward to finishing her!

My daughter Taylor, also has a huge canvas she painted PINK and never did anything with, and she gave it to me last night...
I am thinking something abstract, really textured....

I love painting almost as much as I loved being a pastry chef, I wish I could quit my day job and pursue both as full time careers.
[well, part time/part time]

I am a creative person deep in my heart and living my life as a cubicle monkey is not who I am.
I need to create!
Being a cubicle monkey wears me out so much mentally that I cannot be creative throughout the week.
At best I can get a few sketches started during the week but only have time to paint one or two paintings a weekend.
:( - ):

If any of you are interested in purchasing a painting or would like one designed for especially for you then email me at:

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Faery Tales

So I did the Market Days event in downtown Georgetown last Saturday and that was a huge waste of my time and energy! I guess my work is a little to modern for a crafty type of show.?.?.?

Yep, I sold one small painting for $15 - it was supposed to have been $20 but I was just so damned glad someone liked it enough that I gave her a discount.
{Thank you Jo and I will be looking into getting onto Congress soon.}

Anyway, I have been thinking about what I should do to also attract more men to my paintings and I am not 100% sure but I don't think the flowers are going to get their business.

I painted this Harlequin Faery two years ago for a friend and I am thinking of trying more of these:::

I already have a canvas painted in a blue and cream harlequin pattern all I have to do is decide on what kind of Fae I would like to paint.

I love to paint their wings, they are so wispy and delicate -
aka: a challenge.

Well at least I didn't let last weekend depress me.
I am taking it as a challenge -
one that will make me better.

Here are a few other fairy [Fae] wings Ive painted:::

Nature Fae:::

Winter Fae:::

The original Harlequin Fae:::

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Today is the First Day of the Rest of My Life

This has been an absolutely crazy week for me!
In just a few short days I have gone from unknown painter to selling my work at a local street market this weeknd (still unkown):

And... I have an art gallery in downtown Austin wanting to see my work!

I never thought this would be possible, a friend referred to me as the tortured artist type.
Perhaps that is so.
I never think my work is good enough.

I get my painting ideas from photos either I have taken or my daughter has taken of flowers. I have a pastry background and that is where the background images in my paintings stem from.

I am creating this page to share my art with you. If you see anything you like please feel free to message me here or send an email:

My art is rather specific in style and below I have pasted a few images of my recent paintings. Yes, the ones I will be attempting to sell this Saturday in Georgetown, Texas.
Please feel free to comment on them, but not the photography as these were taken with my iPhone 3Gs.
My daughter, yes, the one with the $1,000 Cannon, had my little point and click for the longest time because it was easier to carry around.

Constructive criticism is welcome but please be nice, remember I am a "tortured" artist.